Lifeshape Counselling
Penny Connorton
Helping you to shape your life
What can I do for you?
If you’re looking at my website, it’s probably because you’re looking for help. We all need help in life from time-to-time. I know that reaching out can be scary, but asking for help is often the hardest step you have to take.
I have been offering counselling services for 15 years and have a wealth of experience across different areas of mental health. A few of the key areas I work in are below. But I’m not limited to those – I’m ready to hear from you, whatever your concern.

You may be caring for someone else but you need to care for yourself, too. Having been a carer, I understand how difficult the reality of this can be. Caring is demanding and often unique to each family. A carer of someone with a mental health issue will need a completely different understanding from a carer of someone with dementia or a disability, for example. Caring for someone can leave you feeling drained, exhausted and a shell of your former self. Working together, we can build a stable life and a support system so you can better look after yourself.

Military and uniformed personnel
Being part of a military family has its challenges. You move around a lot, sometimes overseas, your partner is often away, and you’re without your regular support network of your friends and family. But you’re not alone. Through counselling, you can have real, individual support from someone outside of your military bubble but with first-hand knowledge of what this lifestyle is really like. I have a breadth of knowledge about situations that can occur surrounding serving and ex-service military personnel and Emergency Service Personnel. In particular a good understanding of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other mental health issues connected with military and all uniformed personnel.

Agricultural life
Farming can be a wonderful way of life but it can also be stressful, relentless and lonely. Having farmed for over 22 years, I know this from my own personal experience. It is a lifestyle, rather than a job. There are very few days off, if any. This can leave you burnt-out, physically and emotionally. Working together, you can find practical and emotional support. I have supported farmers and vetinary surgeons through traumatic events like foot and mouth, which caused many to suffer from PTSD. We can discuss anything concerning you, from diversification and tenancies to financial insecurity and emotional issues or succession planning. We can also discuss Brexit and the uncertainties it brings to farming. Whatever the subject, I’m here to support you.

Everyone is welcome
While these are the three areas I specialise and have personal experience in, they are by no means exclusive. You may feel isolated, overwhelmed, purposeless, simply unhappy or anything else. All feelings are valid, and welcome. Please reach out, if you’d like to talk about how I can help you.